Sunday, July 25, 2010

Things to Check Out II (Cake Pedestals and Martha Stewart Living)

For this week's Things I wanted to share Martha Stewart Living magazine.  It's highly commercialized, I know, and I don't love Martha herself all that much, but if you like cooking, entertaining, and/or design, you simply must check out this magazine.

I honestly don't know how much of this magazine is due to Martha herself and how much is due to a very talented team of editors and designers, but the ideas are completely divine.  There are recipes and organization tips and landscaping and so on and so forth.  However, the one article that especially caught my eye came from the February 2010 issue.

It's called They Take the Cake, and it's a feature on cake stands and cake pedestals.  I don't have one, but my mom has a clear glass one, which I have used maybe twice in my life.  I do like the rare moments in which I get to use a cake pedestal, so this article just sucked me in.  It's not so much the information as the pictures, as you can see in the picture above.  The elegance of entertaining is, in some ways, a lost art form (kind of like calligraphy), and this article whisks me away to that time.

Which is to say, I have designs on owning a cake pedestal or two.  Colored glass, anyone?

1 comment:

  1. I love perusing Martha Stewart's stuff myself sometimes... though I credit almost all of it to her staff. There's no way one woman can be THAT good at all things domestic. Right? It makes me feel better to think that it takes many people to come up with some of the great ideas. ;) Sara did move to Denver a few weeks ago- she has an IT job with Charles Schwab. :)
