Sunday, August 1, 2010

Things to Check Out III (A crafty earring holder)

This week's thing to check out is a craft project of my own invention.  I found myself in possession of many pairs of earrings and nothing but a box to put them in.  This caused them to get all tangled up.  Worse yet, I often was unable to find the 2nd earring of a pair.  So finding myself armed with an extra shoebox and some pipe cleaners left over from Christmas, this little craft was born.

Yes, those are Beatles-themed buttons on the bottom.
Simpy take a shoebox and poke holes in the sides across from one another with sharp scissors.

I would recommend off-setting the holes so that you can put more pipe cleaners in.
Then push the pipe cleaners through the holes and twist up the ends.  The fuzzy pipe cleaners keep the earrings from sliding or falling off.  Easy, right?

Granted, I also recently received a real jewelry holder from a friend.  And while it's lovely...
A little treasure from World Market
...I think I'll delegate it to my larger pieces.

1 comment:

  1. Great idea! That World Market jewelry tree is lovely, too.
